One reason you hire a PR agency – we stand by your side through sickness and in health.
Effective March 17, Resolute PR will work virtually to do our part in avoiding spread of COVID-19. Maintaining a flexible work environment is a core value of Resolute, and we are fully equipped to maintain operations from the safety of our own homes. We will continue doing great work for our clients as they navigate these unprecedented challenges, and our team is ready to help in any way we can, including:
- A phone meeting to update your crisis communications plan. This will line out red flag stages, messaging and signs it’s time to involve your PR team in external communications.
- If you don’t have a crisis plan, we can draft a plan specific to the COVID-19 situation that can be a guide for getting through these uncertain times.
- During times of confusion, messaging and communications are number one. We are happy to help you draft messaging for employees, stakeholders, clients/customers, and of course, media.
- You may receive calls from local media asking what you are doing to keep your business safe and eliminate exposure. Our clients have the benefit of directing media to Resolute so we can help provide timely responses while our clients continue focus on mission critical items.
- Deciding whether to cancel an event? Or how to communicate that? Give us a call, we can help you navigate without spouting fear to attendees.
It is our sincere hope that the steps taken in our community and around the world will flatten the curve for the safety of our society. Until then, we are living in a time when creativity and resiliency will be worth their weight in gold. Let’s stick together and pull through to the other side.
Your Friends at Resolute